What You Need To Know About Weatherstrip
Weatherstrip, also known as weather seal or even just seals, is rubber material that seals the edge of doors, windows, windshield, trunks, ect. This product is designed to keep the outside elements out of the vehicle while keeping the heat and air inside thus saving energy. Weatherstrip also helps muffle road noise while driving down the road.
How To Care For Your Car’s Weatherstrip
Your car’s weather stripping should last for many years but sun, moisture and time will take its toll. Doing these little things can help your weather strip last a little longer; washing the weatherstrip with car-safe soap and warm water, take a rag or sponge and gently scrub any dirt off of the lining. This should be done at that same time when you wash the rest of the car. When cleaning the weathestrip, inspect it and reattach any loose pieces you might see. To help prevent cracking and drying, cover it with silicone-based conditioner. This will ensure the seal keeps its sponginess while lubricating it. Preforming these few simple tasks on a regular basis helps preserve your weatherstrip from being damaged and prolongs its lifespan.
When To Replace Weatherstrip
If your weatherstrip is beyond the point of no repair, here is how you can know. When driving through a construction zone, have you noticed yourself reaching for the volume button on the stereo more often than usual? This might be a caused from worn out weatherstripping. Replacing it just might make your morning commute that much more enjoyable. Not only can noise let you know when your weatherstrip needs replaced, but if you notice wetness around your windows, doors, or trunk it may be time to replace the seals. Keep an eye out for mysterious water stains on your car’s carpet or upholstery. If you spot any cracks or gaps in the seals your weatherstrip is past its expiration date. If you have to turn on your AC only to feel the effects dissipate after a short while and you have ruled out any other possible issues with the system itself, your air could be going out the window. Any of these issues can point to an old weatherstrip that just needs replaced.
How To Replace Weatherstrip
When replacing weatherstip you should first check and make sure that your old piece matches the new piece with the same shape, thickness, holes, channels and rubber studs. Second, remove any screws, gently peel old seal off, prying the rubber studs from the holes without damaging the paint. One can purchase weatherstrip remover to help the adhesive soften. Third, remove any old adhesive that remains on the frame. Fourth, insert the new weatherstripping into the frame to test the fit. Be sure the holes lineup and it follows the contour of the frame, then gently remove it. Fifth, rinse, clean and dry the weatherstrip. Sixth, apply adhesive sparingly to the strip and to the surface, insert the new weatherstrip before the adhesive has time to dry. Lastly, put back any screws you’ve removed, make sure the seal meets and be sure it is glued down securely.
Restoring weatherstrip make not be the most exciting job of the restoration, but it is necessary if you would like your interior to stay looking new and water free. Restoration Specialties is here to supply you with your restoration needs. Feel free to contact us with any questions please feel free to call us at 814-467-9842 or email us via [email protected].