What Is Windlace?

What is Windlace

Cloth stich windlace is used on cars from the 1930’s all the way up and into the 1960’s. Windlace is a piece of fabric folded over a soft foam core giving it its round shape and gets placed around the opening of doors and gives the upholstery a finished look. Replacing windlace should be done during the upholstery process. The windlace offers a second seal to help protect against the outside elements. 

To Windlace or Not to Windlace

New upholstery with old worn-out windlace will create an unfinished look. When cruising down the road if it gets more and more difficult to hear the radio the faster you go, it might be time to swap out that windlace. If one can tolerate wind nose, rattling doors and a completely unfinished look, replacing the wind lace is not necessary.

To Windlace

Here at Restoration Specialties we offer multiple types of cloth windlace. All of our cloth windlace will be made with a 1/2’’ foam core. We offer two types of basket weave cloth designs. A fine basket weave at 1/16’’ provides a solid color, where as a medium basket weave at 1/8’’ and offers a light and dark look. We carry flatlace in most colors and also provide a basket weave with a 3/16’’ plastic fiber sewn on the foam core with a cardboard leg. This style was used on cars from the late 50’s and early 60’s. If you are looking for antique windlace with 3/16’’ basket weave and matching wire on we have you covered.

Some may feel that restoring the windlace is unnecessary, but paying attention to this small detail is the difference between a good restoration and a great one. If you are interested or have any questions about our windlace please feel free to contact us via [email protected] or by phone at 814-467-9842.

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